Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami is an ecumenical ministry that transforms lives and communities by providing low-income families with affordable home ownership opportunities.
Our Vision
We build and renovate decent homes, which families purchase at a low sales price with a 0% interest loan. We engage people of conscience within our community by providing volunteer and financial support opportunities to accomplish the building of homes and communities in partnership with low-income families.
Our Principles
We follow Biblical teachings in our attitudes and actions.
We build bridges among all economic and ethnic segments of our community by establishing new relationships, a sense of community, and a renewed commitment to “the common good.”
We welcome participation from all individuals, groups, or organizations who desire to join with Miami Habitat and who share our concern and compassion for those in need.
We are a financially responsible non-profit ministry that raises money from those who share our vision and utilizes those funds with integrity, community accountability, and for the specific purpose intended by the donors.
We select families for home ownership based on their need, willingness to be a full partner in the Habitat program, and ability to repay the interest-free loan in support of the Habitat ministry. Selection is made without consideration of race, sex, color, creed, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation or any other legally protected status.
We, as a Habitat for Humanity International affiliate, do not proselytize, which means that Habitat will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must either adhere to or convert to a particular faith, or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.
We maintain a mutually beneficial, nurturing friendship with each family through ongoing contact and by providing instruction in the areas of budgeting, financial planning, home maintenance, and other practicalities of homeownership.
We support the work of Habitat ministries in other communities, as our resources allow, by contributing a tithe (10%) ofundesignated financial contributions.